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Staff Spotlight: Abasi Umoh

Staff Spotlight

Community Energy Project is proud to provide a variety of direct, in-homes services and educational workshops, and participate in important advocacy work. Behind all of these vital efforts is a team of vibrant, multifaceted, and hardworking individuals. The CEP Staff Spotlight is a series dedicated to the people who make everything we do possible. Today’s spotlight shines on one of CEP’s In-Homes Auditors, Abasi Umoh.

1.Describe your role at CEP and what makes you passionate about your position.

As an In-Homes Auditor, I have the privilege of working with our amazing clients directly. I provide in-depth energy assessments of our client’s homes and work with them and our skilled contractors to develop a scope of work that will improve the home’s efficiency, comfort, and safety. I coordinate with our clients and contractors to see that work completed and follow up with a post work quality assurance visit to ensure that all the work that has been completed in our client’s homes is of the highest quality. I’m passionate about this work because EVERYONE deserves to live in a comfortable, safe, and efficient home. No one group can do it all, but this work genuinely has the potential to change people’s lives for the better and that’s work I want to be a part of.

2. What is your work background and one unique skill you bring to CEP?

I became involved in the home performance field through several internships and was initially introduced to building science through a pre-apprenticeship with Portland Youth Build. Before switching careers, I worked behind the scenes in grocery for years. I specialized in cutting fruit and vegetables, so if CEP is ever hosting a community event in which we need several large fruits cut with speed and precision, I would be honored to be that person.

3. Describe one accomplishment you’ve made at CEP or a goal you have for the future in this role.

I have officially been out to assess 100 homes! That means I’ve had the privilege to meet and talk with folk from 100 different households in the greater Portland area. My next goal is to see that number rise and continue to hear stories from and hopefully, help weatherize the homes of even more folk.

4. If you had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Easy! Salad. Hear me out, I know that sounds like a boring answer, but salads are infinite in their diversity and complexity. One could argue that under these rules, I could eat a cobb salad for breakfast, eat an egg salad sandwich for lunch, and finish out my day with some delicious pasta salad. What’s not to love?