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Latest Past Events

Virtual DIY Cooling Workshop

This workshop will have 1 hour of information on keeping your home cool without AC, followed by time for Q&A an optional 10-minute portion on signing up for some new money-savings programs available for PGE, and Pacific Power customers. The DIY Cooling workshop is the summer version of our flagship DIY Weatherization workshop. This workshop teaches low-cost cooling and energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to save […]

Ahorros con Energía Solar en Linea y Admisión

La presentación “Saving with Solar” (Ahorros con Energía Solar) ayuda a los residentes de bajos ingresos a entender el Programa de Energía Solar Comunitaria de Oregon. ¡Para beneficiarse de la energía solar, usted no necesita ser propietario de una casa, tener un tejado soleado, ni hacer pagos por adelantado! Con este programa, usted se registra para una porción de una gran variedad de energía solar fuera de su casa y […]

Virtual DIY Cooling Workshop

This workshop will have 1 hour of information on keeping your home cool without AC, followed by time for Q&A an optional 10-minute portion on signing up for some new money-savings programs available for PGE, and Pacific Power customers. The DIY Cooling workshop is the summer version of our flagship DIY Weatherization workshop. This workshop teaches low-cost cooling and energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to save […]