Aprende los beneficios del Programa de Energía Solar Communitaria y como registrarse para personas de bajos recursos.¡No necesitas tener casa propia, o instalar nada para poder recibir energía solar! Usted recibe energía solar en su hogar y un descuento en su factura de Electricidad. Esta presentación le muestra como conectarse a la suscripción, los beneficios para personas de bajos ingresos, y los requerimientos para calificar si vive en el estado […]
Learn about the Oregon Community Solar Program and the benefits of becoming a low-income participant.You don’t need to own a home, have a sunny roof, or make upfront payments to go solar! Instead, sign up for a portion of a large off-site solar array and receive discounts on your monthly electricity bill. This presentation discusses environmental terms and the policy behind community solar, as well as protections for low-income participants, […]
Mantega su hogar sano y habitable con nuestro taller, materiales y recursos que ayudan a las familias a limitar exposición al plomo.El Proyecto de Energía Comunitaria permite a las personas para mantener sus hogares más sanos y habitables al proporcionar talleres, materiales y recursos que crean conciencia y ayudan a las familias a limitar la exposición al plomo en sus vidas diarias.Este taller tiene una duración de cuarenta minutos y […]
Learn about the Oregon Community Solar Program and the benefits of becoming a low-income participant.You don’t need to own a home, have a sunny roof, or make upfront payments to go solar! Instead, sign up for a portion of a large off-site solar array and receive discounts on your monthly electricity bill. This presentation discusses environmental terms and the policy behind community solar, as well as protections for low-income participants, […]
Aprende los beneficios del Programa de Energía Solar Communitaria y como registrarse para personas de bajos ingresos.¡No necesitas tener casa propia, o instalar nada para poder recibir energía solar! Usted recibe energía solar en su hogar y un descuento en su factura de Electricidad. Esta presentación le muestra como conectarse a la suscripción, los beneficios para personas de bajos recursos, y los requerimientos para calificar si vive en el estado […]
Taller en Espanol en persona! Materiales gratuitos! Regístrese enseguida para aprender y ahorrar en energía.El taller de climatización de bricolaje ha estado ayudando a los residentes del área de Portland a reducir el uso de energía en el hogar desde 1979. Este taller enseña técnicas de ahorro de energía de bajo costo para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas por igual. Aprenda a ahorrar dinero y energía, detener las corrientes de […]
Taller en Espanol y en persona! Regístrese para aprender y ahorrar en energía y recibir materiales gratuitos.El taller de climatización ha estado ayudando a los residentes del área de Portland a reducir el uso de energía en el hogar desde 1979. Este taller enseña técnicas de ahorro de energía de bajo costo para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas por igual. Aprenda a ahorrar dinero y energía, detener las corrientes de […]
Taller en Espanol en persona! Materiales gratuitos! Regístrese enseguida para aprender y ahorrar en energía.El taller de climatización de bricolaje ha estado ayudando a los residentes del área de Portland a reducir el uso de energía en el hogar desde 1979. Este taller enseña técnicas de ahorro de energía de bajo costo para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas por igual. Aprenda a ahorrar dinero y energía, detener las corrientes de […]
Taller en Espanol y en persona! Regístrese para aprender y ahorrar en energía y recibir materiales gratuitos.El taller de climatización ha estado ayudando a los residentes del área de Portland a reducir el uso de energía en el hogar desde 1979. Este taller enseña técnicas de ahorro de energía de bajo costo para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas por igual. Aprenda a ahorrar dinero y energía, detener las corrientes de […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Learn about the Oregon Community Solar Program and the benefits of becoming a low-income participant.You don’t need to own a home, have a sunny roof, or make upfront payments to go solar! Instead, sign up for a portion of a large off-site solar array and receive discounts on your monthly electricity bill. This presentation discusses environmental terms and the policy behind community solar, as well as protections for low-income participants, […]
Mantenga su hoga más sano y habitable con este taller, materiales y recursos que ayudan a las familias a limitar exposición al plomo.El Proyecto de Energía Comunitaria permite a las personas para mantener hogares más sanos y habitables al proporcionar talleres, materiales y recursos que crean conciencia y ayudan a las familias a limitar la exposición al plomo en sus vidas diarias.Este taller tiene una duración de una hora y […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping Portland residents reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping Portland residents reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]
Teaching energy-saving techniques focused on draft-stopping and energy efficiency; all renters and homeowners will find valuable.The DIY Winter Weatherization workshop has been helping residents in Portland reduce their home energy usage since 1979. This workshop teaches low-cost energy saving techniques for renters and homeowners alike. Learn how to help the environment, save money, reduce energy, stop drafts, and prevent mold. Qualified participants (income limits below) will receive a FREE kit […]